Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My dear friends and family,

Thank you for your interest in following my adventures in Spain! I leave in less than a week for my 10-month position as a Language and Culture Assistant at a Spanish middle school called IES Santa Isabel de Hungria. My duties will include working with the school's English Department to plan and teach English lessons for students ages 12-18...yikes! At least it is only for 12 hours a week, so I will still have lots of time to travel, volunteer, get a job at a vineyard (!) and partake in all of the other wonderful cultural experiences that Spain has to offer.

My city, Jerez de la Frontera, is at the very southwestern tip of the Iberian Peninsula and rests only 30 miles from the coast. It is known for its sherry wine, Andalucian horses, and flamenco dancing. The climate is mild (excessively so if you are used to Wisconsin winters), hovering around 85 degrees in the summer and dropping to a chilling 40 degrees in winter. : )

Just like my last journey to Spain, I will use this journal to post my experiences, travels, and thoughts with the hopes that they will help us stay close even over a long distance. Please keep in touch by posting comments on this journal or by e-mailing me at I hope to hear from you soon.



Caitlyn said...

I love it! What a creative title too...always the hardest part, I think. Yes, I'm pretty sure you were sitting next to me as I referenced the road bikers :)

Let the count-down begin!
Besos, C

Tricia said...

Hey miss Kaela! Picked your blog up from Cait and can't wait to hear all about your adventures. So excited to live in Spain vicariously through two ladies this fall :) Safe travels!

Unknown said...

I'm excited to hear about everything. Enjoy your trip!